+254 742160656 secretariat@eacrn.net

Our Programs

At the Eastern Africa Child Rights Network, we work towards the full realization of children’s rights in Eastern Africa and the entire region of Africa. Our programs focus mainly on enhancing the capacities of our national child rights members and other child rights stakeholders.

Capacity Building

At the Eastern Africa Child Rights Network, we work closely with our 10 coalition members to build and strengthen their capacities in order to continue to promote evidence-based policy advocacy on child rights governance and policy advocacy.

Child-Led Initiatives

We have been implementing a child-led initiative in the Eastern Africa region that is focused on building children’s agency, primarily to mobilize, empower and enable children to amplify their voices and participation in the African continent.


As the co-host of the CSO Forum, we work with and support different civil society organizations to develop and submit CSO complimentary reports to the ACERWC and the UNCRC. We also support in the planning of the ordinary sessions of the CSO Forum.


At the Eastern Africa Child Rights Network, we work to ensure that the rights of children are effectively monitored and upheld at the international and regional levels. One of our key areas of focus is child rights reporting—a critical process through which we help national members and child rights stakeholders gather, document, and communicate data on the state of children’s rights in their respective countries.

Child rights research

We actively collaborate with leading research institutions to conduct in-depth studies and foster robust knowledge management on the state of child rights organizations across the Eastern Africa region. Through these strategic partnerships, we aim to generate evidence-based insights that enhance our understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing child rights advocacy.


Our Thematic Areas

Child Participation

In line with the four principles of child rights, at EACRN, we are big on empowering children to express their views on issues that affect them and ensuring their voices are heard in family, school, and community matters.

Children and Education

In line with our mandate, we ensure that our programs advocate for quality and inclusive education for children in the Eastern Africa Region.

Climate Change

We support advocacy for national and regional policies that prioritize the protection of children in climate adaptation and mitigation plans. We also train organizations on integrating child-focused climate action into their programming

Health and Nutrition

We collaborate with health and nutrition organizations to advocate for improved access to quality healthcare and nutrition services for children, ensuring their overall well-being and development.

Child Protection

Our programs focus on strengthening the capacities of our national members to implement effective safeguarding measures, ensuring the protection of children from all forms of harm and violence.

Harmful Cultural Practices

We advocate for policy changes that enhance the protection of children, particularly girls, from harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation, ensuring their safety and rights are upheld.

Children in Conflict Areas

Currently, EACRN is working to advocate for member states to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration (SSD), aiming to enhance the protection of schools from attacks and ensure that children can continue to enjoy their right to education without fear or disruption.

Technology and Children's Rights

We recognize that technology is a valuable tool for children, but we are also committed to strengthening safeguarding measures to ensure they are protected from online threats and any form of cyberattack.